HOME > Product Category > Shrink Sleeve > Shrink Sleeve Bag

Shrink Sleeve Bag
Description :
1. Suitable for different container, Beverage, oil sauce foodstuff, etc.
2. This full body packing is combined by heat shrink cap seal and label save cost, which can be with perforated line easy to open.
3. Prevent product-opening, dust free.
4. To be the best guarantee for product's quality.
5. Through the multi color printing, the value of product can be enhanced.
6. Category Packaging Materials and Containers

Specification Shrink bag: tube Type / S.W seam:
1. Thickness (min-max) m/m: 0.025~0.06 0.035~0.06
2. Flat Width (min-max) m/m: 30~1300, 30~500 / 25~430, 25~430.
3. Cut Length (min-max) M/R: 500, 800 / 70~700, 70~700.
4. Shrinkage %: MD 15~25, TD 30~50 / MD 0~5, TD 40~50.
5. Print color: plain, per side 1~3 / plain 1~8.